Saturday, May 18, 2013

Moving Again, Again, and Again

Every military move I've had has saddened me in a way. This move is no exception and is much more bittersweet. Not only am I leaving behind some wonderful friends who have brightened up my life, but my students who shaped and molded me into the teacher I have become. I'm going to miss having them rush my desk as they come into the classroom, relentlessly speaking over each other as they chant my name, with something important to say to me. Ahhhhh! You are all in my bubble!!! I'm going to miss our special 5th grade handshake, or pressing the "panic" button over and over again. I've enjoyed the days full of laughter and learning besides them. I am a better teacher because of them. I will always remember our classroom motto: A day without laughter is wasted. How true this really is. As I pack my teaching stuff away, the voice of Dr. Seuss resounds in my head. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!" I will continue to smile!!! 

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