Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ahhh, the life in Madagascar!

Welcome to Antananarivo, Madagascar!

Let us take a step back in time and into our lives via this awesome car tour! Lol! 

A few days ago we decided to take a quick tour by car of part of the city. Here is what we discovered. 

Madagascar is a very poor country and has many open markets where vendors sell their goods: fruit, vegetables, meat, clothing, and all types of things. 

Here's a clothing stand. There are some shops as well, but most of the Malagasy people shop at the markets since they can barter for cheaper prices.  

Here is a picture of a rice and grain stand. Rice is grown locally here and dried on the side of the street where cars and people walk. It's surprising to see first hand! 

This is one of many rice fields. They are all over!!! The water is polluted and is undrinkable. The Malagasy people have to collect their drinking water from the local wells in the city. They do not have running water in most of their homes. We cannot drink our tap water either. We have to drink bottled water or from our water distiller. 

This is my favorite! An open air meat stand. Needless to say, we buy our meat from the local supermarket. It is very expensive, but at least  it is safe to eat.

Many people carry things on their heads. How many of you can do this well? 

The buildings and roads are very old and are in bad shape. Sidewalks do not exist and everyone walks in the streets. 

Another example of buildings here. 

Many of the cars are very old! 

Not everyone is rich enough to own a car. 

Many of the Malagasy ride on these type of buses. It is very cheap for them, yet many, many people squeeze into them. 

It's not to odd to see Zebú on the side of the road like this. 

The zebú is related to the cow. This is where our steak and ground beef comes from. 

These are some more city views. 

A local Sunday soccer match. Soccer is very popular here as well! 

There is so much to see here, yet we will need to take a malaria pill before we visit outside of the city. This should be fun! More to come soon. I miss you all!! 😘😘


  1. good luck Mrs Davis we will miss u next year!!!
    love the pictures they are very interesting keep posting pictures and info on Madagascar so we feel like we r there too :-)
    good luck,

  2. I will do that Samantha. How is your summer going so far? I miss you and my crazy class!!
