Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Lemur Park in Madagascar

 One Sunday, we decided to take a family trip to the Lemur's Park. It took about an hour to zig-zag    through the Malagasy towns and traffic. Finally, we made it to a place of tranquility, fresh air, and amazing sights.
The entrance to the lemur's park. Almost every sign is in Malagasy and in French. 

The Turdlings were so happy that they would see a real lemur. We were happy to have finally left the city!

The outskirts of the city are truly breathtaking. 

Seriously, where do you see views like this? 

The water is color because the soil underneath is made of clay. 

These are mini baobab trees. They are usually found in the south
and north of Madagascar. And, not in the big cities. They
grow to be huge giants in the sky. 

I love the fact that our kids love to be in nature. 

A lemur mommy and her baby. Can you see the small head poking out? It hung onto its mommy and enjoyed the ride. 

This lemur knows how to relax. It just laid back on the branch and stretched out on its back. 

We found King Julian!!!! 

He was less impressed with us. 

He wanted some privacy when he eating his meals. Fat chance mister!

Then he pondered why there we kept taking his picture. 

I loved this lemur. He loved his branch!

He sniffed his branch, hugged his branch, and chewed on it. It was his branch!

Oh La La! My branch!!!!

I was waiting for a lemur to attack the kids. They enjoyed staring back at the kids and wondering if "The Turdlings" was a  correct name for them. I'm sure he had some other names to offer. 

Hello, little lemur in the tree! 

This one had a story to tell. And, one time at lemur camp..... LOL!

I'm so cute!!! Really, who doesn't love me? !

The kids liked looking at the other animals as well. There were tortoises,  birds, and nocturnal lemurs. 
The Turdlings in the bamboo.
The trip would not be a "Davis" unless the kids ate from the back of the car.  We are always ready for an "adventure" of one sort or another! 

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!!!!
    i love those pictures.
    ur kids (and the lemurs :-) ) r soooo cute keep posting
    miss u,
