Saturday, June 8, 2013

The long, long, long, (did I mention long) flight to Madagascar!!!!

The wise Dr. Seuss once said, "Oh, the places you will go!" Never, in my wildest dreams did I think Madagascar would be one of those places. 

Our traveling day started early with family goodbyes. (I'm realizing that I have never  became fully comfortable with this emotion, but it's become easier.) then we all piled into a can that took us to Logan Airport in Boston. Greg and I said our goodbyes, as I would travel with the Turdlings alone. All I can say is ugh!!!! 

Our first flight Boston to Frankfurt, Germany was a looooong 7 1/2 hour trip.   The kids slept the last two hours of it and I gave them Benadryl!! The inflight entertainment was broken all but the last two hours as well. Needless to say the kids were wild and I didn't sleep. Once we arrived in Frankfurt we were all cranky and sleep deprived. We had to get from one side of the huge terminal to the other side. It was at least a two mile walk and was not fun. At one point I put Audrey and Sam on one of the luggage carts and rolled them through the terminal. We made it to the Air France counter with 15 minutes to spare and still had to clear security again. We made it to the plane with 5 minutes to spare. The staff on the flight from Frankfurt to Paris were wonderful and kept the kids entertained.

Once we made it to Paris, I found Mr. Greg and our cat Charcoal waiting for us. It felt great to hand him our children and finally breath a little. Then we waited for an hour before we started our 10 1/2 hour flight to Madagascar. 

The Air Paris plane was huge!! Thankfully, it was not overbooked and we  were able to stretch out and sleep a bit. Even the Turdlings slept! Amen!! During the flight we were able to watch a current map of what we were flying over. It was awesome to see all the African cities, Mt. Kilimanjaro, and the oceans. At one point we passed over the Equator and the Indian Ocean. We arrived in Madagascar around 11:30 pm and was greated by an Embassy expiditor who got us through customs without waiting. That in itself was wonderful after all that traveling! We waited to collect our six pieces of luggage and two car seats, and were off to our new lives in Madagascar. 


  1. Good luck in Madagascar Mrs. Davis, you rock

    PS this is Samantha Jeffries

  2. Glad you made it there safely! Can't wait to hear about your adventures in Madagascar.
